White Lady Lodge, Brandberg.

Namibia Safari Accommodation.

The White Lady Lodge and camping area is located next to the Ugab River, about 15 km from the highest mountain in Namibia, the Brandberg.

The lodge has a swimming pool, bar area and restaurant.

Various room level accommodation are available. The camping site are very basic, with shared toilet and shower facilities. The campsites are all shaded under Acacia and Albezia trees. If lucky, you might see desert elephants in the Ugab River-bed, or encounter them as they feed from the Albezia tree.

  • Mudumu National Park, Namibia.

  • The Kwando river and floodplains are filled with bird and wildlife.

Camping and Budget.


Information being updated. 

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Recommended Budget:

Mid-range Lodges.


Recommended Mid-range Lodges.

Luxury Lodges.


Recommended Luxury Lodges.