In our humble beginnings twenty-six years ago, Gateway Africa concentrated only on the conservation, education and information relating of the Southern African Fauna and Flora, History, Countries, Tribes and Cultures of Africa. Basically covering all things of interest relating to Africa.
As Rangers, our venture into safari tourism followed shortly after, as this offered us the finances for many of our conservation and wildlife support projects.
Today our Southern African tours and safaris form the back-bone and education platform for all our work.
From 1998, we begin to work on our Encyclopedia Africana section at, and it has become very popular, comprehensive, and expending on a daily basis.
"Conservation of earth is not just for the 'experts'. Each human should do his/her little bit on a daily basis, does not matter where you are, what you do, or how old you are. Pick up the litter, re-cycle, save water, plant a tree!"
Christian Fourie: Founder of Gateway Africa, Ex-Ranger, Safari Guide Specialist, Author & Photographer.
Current Projects:
- Trees of Africa: Growing, planting of indigenous wild fruit trees: Educating tourists on African trees through geocaching safaris and tours.
- Promoting mushroom cultivation in tribal areas as supplement food source.
- Stories of Africa: Collecting and archiving of verbal knowledge from the San and African tribal people.
- Anti-poaching and problem wildlife relocation projects.