the Black-back Jackal found in Southern Africa

Chrigi is fond of telling tales of the African animals, he encountered while exploring Africa, and this is the story of how the Black-back Jackal got his black back:

The jackal was very much in love with the sun, and would follow it all day along.

Then one day, the jackal noticed the sun is not moving in the sky, so he begins to search for her.

After looking for her nearly all day, he found her stuck in the thorny branches of an Acacia tree. Worried that the thorns would hurt her, he called up to the sun; ‘Love my heart, let me help you from the tree, and take you to your home!’

The sun answered; ‘My dearest friend that is not a good idea. You are not strong and tall enough to carry me. You must call the strong elephant. And also I am very hot! I will burn you.’

But jackal was very much in love with the sun, and do not want to listen.

So, he jump up into the tree, and grab the sun by her leg to pull her free. As jackal grabbed her, she burned his paws black.

Yelping with pain, he pulled her free, and quickly put her on his back.

Running as fast as he could, he took her to the edge of the world, where she lives. All the time the sun was burning his back.

At the edge of the world, she got of jackal’s back, and went to sleep, as she was tired from the long stressful day.

And poor jackal?

Today, you will see the bottom of a jackal’s feet and his back are black from where the sun has burned him.

But, as the sun go to sleep at night, and also early morning before the she, the sun rises.

You will hear the jackal call; ‘Where’s my love, where’s is my love, I miss you, miss you!’