Thank you for your contribution.
Gateway Africa was originaly founded in 1987, and in 1997 with the arrival of Internet, became one of the very first websites created in Southern Africa. In all cases, permission was asked in using the information by Tobias and Christian Fourie.
If anyone feels he/she should be credited too, please contact us.
African tribes (People)
N.J. van Warmelo, Government Ethnologist
T. G. Fourie & C. A. Fourie @ Gateway Africa
Peoples of Namibia ISBN 1-874946-33-7 by J.S. Malan
Books/Writings of C.H.L. Hahn, H. Vedder and L. Fourie
Bethany World Prayer Centre
Christopher D. Roy
Professor of the History of Art
E100 Art Building
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
Our Safari Partners and Colleagues:
Gateway Africa Safaris - Southern Africa
Jenman Safaris - Cape Town, South Africa
Wilderness Safaris - Southern Africa
Many years of hard work: Tobias and Christian Fourie: "The Africa people", Namibia.
Writings and Experiences of Christian Fourie: Ex-Ranger & Safari Guide Specialist in Southern Africa: 1987 till date.
Stories, Myths and Fables
Christian Fourie: "Chrigi-in-Africa: Ranger of the San Clan". 1987 till date.
The Magic Drum: Tales from Central Africa, by W. F. P. Burton.
London: Methuen & Co., 1961.
The Fire on the Mountain and Other Stories from Ethiopia and
Eritrea, by Harold Courlander and Wolf Leslau, illustrations by
Robert Kane. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1950.
Samantha Martin : Cape Town, Republic of South Africa
Naro and his clan, The lost world of the Bushmen, by Fritz Metzger ,
ISBN 99916-703-0-0
Arts & Craft Images - RR Traders - Ray Ruff
a Piece of Africa:
Fauna and Flora
Parker, Sybil P. Grzimek's Encyclopedia: Mammals Vol. 5. New York:
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. 1990.
Nowak, Ronald M. Walker's Mammals of the World Fifth Ed. Vol. II.
Baltimore, MD.: The John Hopkins University Press. 1991
Spinage, C.A. The Natural History of Antelope. New York: Facts on
File Publications. 1986.
Kingdon, Jonathan. 1997. The Kingdon Field guide to African Mammals.
Harcourt Brace and Company, San Diego.
Hinton, H.E. and A.M.S. Dunn. 1967. Mongooses Their Natural History
and Behaviour. Oliver & Boyd, London.
Keith Coates Palgrave. Trees of Southern Africa. Struik. ISBN 1
86825 171 3
Damaraland Flora. Patricia Craven & Christine Marais Gamsberg
Macmillan Publishers (Pty)Ltd ISBN 1 86848 784 9
Waterberg Flora. Patricia Craven & Christine Marais Gamsberg
Macmillan Publishers (Pty)Ltd ISBN 0 86848 589 6
Namib Flora. Patricia Craven & Christine Marais Gamsberg Macmillan
Publishers (Pty)Ltd ISBN0 86848 285 4
Kingdon, Jonathan. 1979. East African Mammals. University of Chicago
Press, Chicago.
Dorst, Jean. 1970. A Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa.
Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.
Flannery , Sean. April 12,2000. "Primate info net" (On-line),
factsheets/colobus_satanas.html .
Meester, J. and H. W. Setzer. 1971. The Mammals of Africa An
Identification Manual. Smithsonian Institution; Distributed by
George Braziller, Inc., New York, NY.
Robert C. Drewes, PhD
Department of Herpetology
California Academy of Sciences
Images of Africa
Jeanne Meintjies of Ecomarine, Namibia.
P. Vallière and Assou Sagara of SAGA Tours.
Christian & Tobias Fourie,
Gateway Africa Safaris
Ingrid Visser
Danie Steyn
Lawrence. C. Green
John Watson (My favourite artist)
Famous artist and photographer who documents indigenous cultures.
Born and raised in Santa Fe, New Mexico, he has long been interested
in and involved with tribal people. His work has been exhibited in
many galleries and universities throughout the U.S. and Europe.
Original prints available through:
G. Ray Hawkings Gallery.
300 N Crescent Heights
Los Angeles, CA
Ph (323) 655-4180
He has published two books, ETHIOPIA, a photographic study of the
Omo Valley tribal people and HIMBA, the semi-nomadic cattle herders
of north-western Namibia. He also has a calendar titled "Tribal
Women 2001."
These books and calendar are available through:
Cultural Survival
96 Mount Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA 02138;
tel. 617-441-5413
fax 617-441-5417