Scientific Name: Chamaeleo namaquensis
Common Name: Namaqua Chameleon.
Description: A Dark green, big mouth and robust head.
Difference in Sex: Female is a bit larger than the male.
Habitat: Sandy regions: from the south western desert regions of Namibia up to southern Angola.
Habits: You may find them on the slip face of a dune or on a rock to keep cool.
Size: Up to 25 cm
Gestation: eggs may take between 90 and 100 days to hatch.
Number of young at birth: 6 to 30 soft shelled eggs.
Diet: It eat anything small enough to swallow, locust, crickets, beetles, lizards and even small snakes.
Enemies: Birds of prey. Hawks and Eagles, jackals.
Interesting facts: One chameleon may eat up to 200 beetles a day.