The Aloe littoralis commonly known as the Mountain Aloe (Berg Aloe) or Windhoek Aloe.

Family: Asphodelaceae

Scientific Name: Aloe littoralis

Common names: Mopane Aloe, Windhoek-alwyn, berg-alwyn, Berg-aloe, otjindombo, Sekgopha, Mokgwapha.


Description: This typical aloe could grow up to 2 m tall, and commonly seen around Windhoek and in the Khomas Highland region of Namibia. It is often planted in gardens due to its drought resilience and attractive look with the bright red flowers.

Medical uses: The pure sap is used for stomach ailments and skin problems.

Superstition uses: None known.

Nutritive uses: Flowers can be eaten raw, cooked or stamped and made into cakes.

Other uses: The pollen is believed to have some rejuvenating qualities.

Interesting Facts:

Credits: Christian Fourie.