Family: Ebenaceae
Scientific Name: Euclea pseudebenus
Common names: Cape ebony, wild ebony, abikwa, ebbe hout, ebenholzbaum, omuzema, tsawib/s
SANTN: 598
Description: Bark is dark and rough. The heart-wood is black with the
branches very slender, and hanging straight down. The leaves are very narrow and
slender. Fruit almost spherical, thinly fleshy, about 5 to 8 mm in diameter,
dark red to black when ripe.
Medical uses: A infusion of the root may help for headache and toothache. The root and branches are used as chewing sticks (toothbrush) in dental care.
Superstition uses: none as far as I know
Nutritive uses: The fruit are edible and although some books disagree, it taste quite good, a bit sweet with a astringent taste in some fruits.
Other uses: Make a excellent firewood, the wood is also used for carving because of it pitch black core.
Interesting Facts:
Credits: Christian Fourie (Photograph and Information)