Family: Scientific Name: Aquila wahlbergi.
Common Name: Wahlberg's Eagle.
Description: Plumage range from dark brown to a lighter tan.
Distribution: Africa, south of the Sahara.
Difference in Sex: Females are larger and heavier.
Average Weight of Adult male: 770 grams.
Habitat: Woodland and savannah.
Habits: Solitary, perch usually on high leafy trees.
Main feeding time: Day.
Size: Length 48 -52 cm, wingspan 110 - 132 cm.
Incubation: 44 - 46 days.
Number of young at birth: usually one egg.
Communication: Kleeeeu - kyip-kyip-kyip.
Diet: Reptiles, birds up to francolins, mammals up to the size of a hare and insects.
Enemies: Man
Interesting facts:
Credits: Christian Fourie.