Scientific Name: Madoqua kirkii
Common Name: Damara Dik-Dik, Zwerggrüssel-antelope, Dik-Dik, Thini,
Tingu, /Hauib
Description: A finely speckled gray brown on the back and buttocks,
while the neck and shoulder may be of a lighter brown. The upper lip is longer
than the lower lip.
Difference in Sex: Only the males are horned. Horns can be about 8 cm
Average Weight of Adult male: 4.5 to 5 kg
Habitat: Dense woodland with thick scrub on hard ground, not
dependent on water.
Habits: Occurs singly or in groups of two or three. During the heat
of the day they rest in dense shade. They always use communal dung heaps. When
alarmed, they may run with stiff legs, bouncing away and emitting a loud whistle
each time their feet touch the ground.
Main feeding time: Both diurnal and nocturnal. More active at night
when the days are hot.
Size: Shoulder height 38 cm
Gestation: 6 months
Number of young at birth: Single young, December to April
Communication: Alarm call is a forced "tzik-tzik" sound. The contact call is
a soft whistle. Visual communication and sent marking are also important to an
animal which spent so much time in concealment
Age: about 9 to 10 years
Diet: Eat the most nutritious parts of plants including leaves, pods,
flowers and occasional sprouting grass. The Dik-Dik do not need to drink water,
as it takes all its liquid requirements from the vegetation it eats. Enemies: Leopards, Lion, pythons, eagles and caracals and also about
20 odd other predators.
Interesting facts: In Namibia, the
animal is a protected species, and no hunting is allowed. It is the second
smallest antelope in Africa. Credits: TGF |