African (Cape) Buffalo (Syncerus caffer)

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African (Cape) Buffalo, Büffel, Bufalo, Buffel, Le Buffle d'Afrique, Onjati, Nali, /Goab, Unyati African (Cape) Buffalo, Büffel, Bufalo, Buffel, Le Buffle d'Afrique, Onjati, Nali, /Goab, Unyati

Scientific Name: Syncerus caffer
Common Name: African (Cape) Buffalo, Büffel, Bufalo, Buffel, Le Buffle d'Afrique, Onjati, Nali, /Goab, Unyati
Description: Large cattle like animals, dark brown to dark gray animals. Both sexes have horns
Difference in Sex: Males are more heavily build than females and have larger horns.
Average Weight of Adult male: 750 to 820 kg (female 680 - 750 kg)
Habitat: Senegal to S Ethiopia to S Africa. 
Habits: Life in herds of sometimes several hundred, old bulls are usually solitary or form small herds, graze at night or during cooler part of day.
Main feeding time: Buffalos are considered nocturnal, but can also be seen during the day. They typically spend about 5 to 10.5 hours each day hunting for food. It is not uncommon for a herd of buffalos to travel 17 mi (27 km) for food and water during the dry season. However, in the breeding season herds only range about 2 mi (5.5 km) daily. 
Size: about 140 cm at shoulder
Gestation: The gestation period is 11.5 months, which is one of the longest known. Birth peaks come early in the rainy season while mating peaks are later. A female has her first calf by the age of 5 and males mature by the age of 8 or 9. 
Number of young at birth: Single calf during August to April
Communication: a Cattle like bellow
Age: approx. 25 years
Diet: Grass, shoots and leaves
Enemies: Lion and man, Hyenas and large crocodiles may take young.
Interesting facts: Very inquisitive animals with a poor eyesight and hearing but a good sense of smell. When wounded they sometimes circle back to ambush the hunter.
Credits: TGF (photograph + info)