Thick-tailed Bush Baby (Otolemur crassicaudatus)

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Scientific Name: Otolemur crassicaudatus
Common Name: Thick-tailed Bushbaby, Bos nagaap
Description: The body is gray to dark brown, darker around the eyes but without  any distinct markings on the face. The head is small and rounded, with a longer,  broader muzzle than in the Lesser Bushbaby. The eyes are large and forward-facing reflecting red eyes when caught with a light at night. The ears are huge and rounded. The tail is fluffy and longer than the head and body, sometimes with a dark tip. The limbs are long; each foot has five toes, with nails instead of claws except on the second toes of the hind feet, which have long, curved grooming claws. 
Difference in Sex: Males are slightly bigger than females.
Average Weight : male 1.22 kg and female 1.13 kg
Habitat: Forest, thickets and savanna woodland, riverine forests.
Habits: Thick-tailed Bushbabies are nocturnal and tree-living. They are agile climbers and can leap 2 m horizontally and 5 m downwards. They do not land on its hind feet like the Lesser Bushbaby. On the ground they walk on all fours and only rarely hops on the hind feet. The Lesser Bushbaby hops on it's hind legs. They shelter during the day in nests of fresh leaves in the densest foliage and live in communities of several adults of both sexes and their young. Individuals mark territories with chest,  lip, chin, and ano-genital gland secretions,  as well as urine which is dribbled onto the feet. The scent is then transferred onto branches as the bushbaby climbs, giving a firmer grip at the same time. They forage singly or in small groups. Mothers forage with their young up to an age of 10 months.
Main feeding time:
Gestation: Litters of  2 are born after a gestation of 135 days in August to September. Young are born with fur and the eyes are open and young can crawl within 30 minutes. They remain in the nest for three weeks and are then carried around by their mother when she forages, either in her mouth or on her back. Weaning begins at 3 weeks.
Number of young at birth: 1 to 3 young.
Communication: Thick-tailed Bushbabies give a wide range of calls; lasting up to 5 seconds and sound uncannily like crying human babies - hence the common name. They also make a rasping sound by scraping a rough pad on the feet along branches. 
Age: unknown
Diet: Birds, fruit and acacia gum and insects.
Enemies: Leopard, Giant eagle owl
Interesting facts: