Scientific Name: Hystrix africae-ausralis
Common Name: Porcupine
Distribution: Subsaharan Africa, excluding the costal
desert of the southwest
Description: These porcupines are covered with flat,
bristly hairs and have quills and spines on the posterior back and flanks. The
difference between quills and spines is largely one of length and thickness,
with spines up to 50 cm long and quills up to 30 cm long. The white and black
crest of spines and quills can be erected at will to make the animal look
enormous and threatening. Some spines on the tail are hollow and make a rattling
sound when shaken. The very sharp spines and quills come off when touched by a
predator or shaken off, but they grow back rapidly. South African porcupines
also have very long mobile whiskers
Difference in Sex: Females are, on average, about one
kilogram heavier than males
Average Weight: 18 to 30 kg.
Habitat: They prefer rocky hills and outcrops, as they
must have shelter during the day. They often take shelter in caves or antbear
holes. They also build dens which can be up to 20m long with a 2m deep living
Habits: When cornered, these porcupines can be
aggressive, runnning sideways or backwards to embed their sharp quills in an
Main feeding time: primarily nocturnal
Gestation: three months
Number of young at birth: one to four
Age: 12 to 15 years
Diet: South African porcupines are mostly vegetarian,
using their strong digging claws to get roots, tubers, and bulbs. They are also
fond of fallen fruits and will sometimes gnaw on bark.
Enemies: big cats, large predatory birds, or hyaenas
Interesting facts:
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