Scientific Name: Oryx Gazella
Common Name: Gemsbok, Gemsbock, Spiesbock,
Oryxantilope, L'Oryx, Oryx, Ndumo
Description: The Gemsbok is a very striking animal with
dramatic features and long spear like horns. It has a thick horse like
neck with a short mane that runs from the head to the shoulders and a compact,
muscular body. The distinctive black and white markings on their face's
are said to have contributed to their name Gemsbok, given to them by the Boers,
which means chamois. There is white around the nose and mouth, black on
top of the muzzle, which joins a black band that runs from in front of the ear
through the eyes to the middle of the lower jaw. The ears end in a black
tip and there is a narrow black stripe down the spine, a black patch on top of
the rump and a black tail. There is also a black band that separates their
gray-fawn colored flanks and the white under parts. All four legs are
black on their top half, with white below the knees and black patches on the
shins. Males and females are difficult to tell apart.
Difference in Sex: Female horns are longer and more
Horns: Both sexes have horns. Their horns are
long and extend straight back from the head and diverge rather widely at the
tips. Female horns tend to be more slender and slightly longer than males
and are sometimes curved and more parallel. The tips are pointed and sharp
and native Africans have used the tips for spear points. The horns are
ringed but are smooth near the tips. The horns of the calves grow
extremely fast and when they emerge from concealment after birth their horns are
very evident. This has lead to the myth that a Gemsbok is born with horns.
Average Weight: Male - 500LB
Female - 475LB
Habitat: The Gemsbok has adapted top many areas that
most large mammals are unable to live in. The Gemsbok prefers the arid and
semi-arid open grassland, scrub and light open woodland. It is very adapt
for desert and semi-desert life with the ability to go for extended periods
without water. Occasionally they do penetrate deep into savanna woodlands
searching for new feeding grounds in the more open areas within them.
Habits: Gemsbok form mixed herds typically consisting
of 10-30 animals. Both sexes are ranked on the basis of age and dominant
characteristics and led by a territorial male. The absolute dominance
hierarchy make the territorial male much more tolerant of other males than
between males of other species. As calves in the herd grow they test each
other in what looks like games, but in reality are tests of strength. As
the hierarchy becomes established, the need to fight is reduced. Bachelor
herds are rare. Only territorial males breed. Herd composition in
the wild constantly changes with some that want to drink, for example, form a
group to go to water while females with young form a group that moves more
slowly. Herds may number 200 or more during the rainy season, with the
herd breaking into smaller groups during the dry season. In marking his
territory the territorial male exhibits a ritual of crouching low and depositing
dung piles so the pellets don't scatter, thus retaining their odor longer.
Gemsbok have excellent eyesight, hearing and smell. They are swift runners
able to outpace a horse and packs of hunting dogs. They don't shy away
from big animals of prey. The sharp pointed horns are lowered parallel to
the ground and the animals lunge with great accuracy when holding off Lions and
other predators. Herds bunch around calves if Hyenas are detected.
There is no specific period in which Gemsbok give birth. Since most
Gemsbok live in dry climates, typically breeding is year round. Calves are
born throughout the year with a peak in August and September. Females
leave the herd to give birth to a single calf. Calves stay hidden for a
period of 3 - 6 weeks before the mother and calf rejoin the herd. The
black markings begin to appear and the horns are already developed when the calf
joins the herd. The female Gemsbok comes into heat again shortly after
giving birth.
Main feeding time: Crepuscular and nocturnal
Size: Male - 49" Female - 47"
Gestation: 9 months
Number of young at birth: Single young
Communication: Bull roar during fights, both sexes
snort in alarm.
Age: 20 years
Diet: The Gemsbok is mainly a grazer, feeding mainly on
the sparse dry desert grasses. If grass is not available they will browse
and dig for roots. They will drink water if available from waterholes and
streams but can survive days or even weeks without it. Gemsbok feed early
in the morning, late in the afternoon and on moonlit nights when the water
content of the plants are at their highest. They will also eat wild melons
and such for their water content.
Enemies: lions
Interesting facts:
Credits: Christian Fourie |