Cape Hare (Lepus capensis)

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African Mammals, Hares, Lepus capensis, Cape Hare, Kaphase, Lepre da Capo, Le Lièvre du Cap, Liebre del Cabo, Okandiba, Vlakhaas

Scientific Name: Lepus capensis
Common Name: Cape Hare, Kaphase, Lepre da Capo, Le Lièvre du Cap, Liebre del Cabo, Okandiba, Vlakhaas 
Description: Colour varies with locality. In the south and west regions of Southern Africa, the upper parts are light buff, finely speckled with black, the sides of the nose and the cheeks are tinged with yellow, the patch on the nape of the neck is brownish pink. The under parts are pinkish buff, or the belly is pure white with ochre-buff bands separating the white from the colour of the flanks.
Difference in Sex: Males are slightly smaller than the female
Average Weight of Adult male: About 2 kg
Habitat: grassland with light scrub
Habits: Solitary, although small groups may congregate on patches of rich grazing. A female on heat may be attended by several males who fight for mating rights. When pursued by a predator a hare runs straight until the predator is just behind it, and then dodges suddenly and rapidly to the side. Cape hares use holes dug by other species to escape from predators
Main feeding time: Active from dusk to dawn and occasionally during the day in cool and overcast weather. 
Size: Male 1,4 to1,8 kg and the female 1,5 to 2,3 kg
Gestation: Gestation 42 days.
Number of young at birth: Litters of 1 to 3 are born above ground at any time of year, with a peak in summer.
Communication: They may make grunt noises and screech when in danger, they also may drum with their front feet.
Age: Approx 5 years
Diet: Grass, drink very seldom water.
Enemies: Leopard, Caracal, Lion, Cape hunting dog, Martial eagle and African wild cat
Interesting facts: