Scientific Name: Mungos mungo
Common Name: Banded Mongoose, Zebramanguste, Mangusta
striata, La Mangue rayee, Mangosta estriada
Distribution: The banded mongoose is native to Africa,
and is mainly distributed south of the Sahara. This range extends across Africa,
from Gambia to north-eastern Ethiopia, and down to South Africa.
Description: The banded mongoose is
distinguishable from other species by a series of black bands ,10 to 12, across
the back, between the mid-back and the base of the tail. The feet and the tip of
the tail are also usually dark, and the rest of the coat matches the lighter
colour of the fur between the black bands on the back. The body colour may range
from whitish to reddish-brown
Difference in Sex:
Average Weight: 1.4 kg
Habitat: Prefer woodland
Habits: Banded mongoose are very courageous creatures,
and a troop will attack and kill a poisonous snake. When they are cornered by a predator,
they spit like a cat and put up a defence. When they are at home, the female
dominates the male.
Main feeding time: Diurnal
Size: Length (including tail) 50cm to 62 cm, mass 1kg
to 1.6 kg.
Gestation: 2 months
Number of young at birth: 2 to 6
Communication: Wide range of grunts, squeals, twitters,
whines and chatters
Diet: They prey on insects, lizards, birds and small
mammals, and are often found hunting for insects in the company of baboon. They
love birds' eggs and crack them by pitching them backwards through their hind
legs against a rock or stone.
Enemies: Large raptors, leopards and jackals
Interesting facts:
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