African Civet (Civetticus civetta)

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African Civet, Zibetkatze, La Civette, Civetticus civetta Civetticus civetta

Scientific Name: Civetticus civetta 
Common Name: African Civet, Zibetkatze, La Civette
Distribution:  inhabits the savannahs and the forests of southern and central Africa. The African civet is rarely found in arid regions; however, it can be found along river systems that project into the arid areas of Niger, Mali, and Chad
Description: A grey coat, marked with black spots and bars. It has a grey forehead and a conspicuous broad black band across the face and around the eyes. The throat, chest and lower limbs are black
Difference in Sex:
Average Weight of Adult: 11 to 15 kg
Habitat: They are found throughout the African tropics except the desert areas and usually close to watercourses and in woodland areas.
Habits: Generally on their own, and meet for mating.
Main feeding time: night
Size: Shoulder height 40 cm
Gestation: 2 months
Number of young at birth: 2 to 4 young
Diet: Omnivorous, they feed on snakes, birds, eggs, hares, spiders, millipedes, fruit, snails and fish.
Enemies: lion, hyena and leopard
Interesting facts: They are territorial, marking their territory using dung and anal secretions. 
They can give off foul smelling secretion from their anal gland, which may deter predators. 

Credits: TGF