Scientific Name: Addax nasomaculatus
Common Name: Addax antelope
Description: both sexes have horns, mat of brown hair
on forehead, rest of body gray-white
Difference in Sex:
Weight : 60 to 125 kg
Habitat: Desert, semi-desert regions in north
Africa. Very few left in the wild, as they being hunted to extinction. Habits:
Main feeding time:
Size: height: 95 to 115 cm; head and body length 150 to
170 cm
Gestation: 257 to 264 days
Number of young at birth:
Age: up to 20 years
Diet: desert succulents, grasses and herbs, leaves of
small bushes
Interesting facts: Addax possess broad, flat hooves
with flat soles that help prevent them from sinking into the desert sand.
These desert antelopes' coat colour changes from dark
gray-brown in winter to white in the summer.
Addax will dig depressions in the sand in which to rest. These
are often located partly underneath boulders that give shade and protection from
the wind and sun. They rarely drink since they are able to get most of the water
they need from the plants they eat.
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