Namibia Safari Home

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They call it Namibia, we call it home!
Stones in Namib Desert of Namibia

Strange stones in Namib Desert
Stilt building at sundown, on the lagoon of Walsvis Bay on the Namibian coast.

Lagoon at sundown
Victoria falls in Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls 1
The Victoria Falls in flood

Victoria Falls
The water that thunders "Vic Falls"
The water that thunders
Africa untouched: Waterberg Plateau, Namibia
Africa untouched
As far as the eye can see: View from the top of the Waterberg, Namibia
As far as the eye can see
Waterberg Plato in Namibia
Waterberg Plateau
Wild horses of the Namib Desert in Namibia

Namib Wild horses

Unique Namib desert rock formations

Gateway African Safaris