Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops)

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African monkeys, Vervet Monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops African monkeys, Vervet Monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops African monkeys, Vervet Monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops

Scientific Name: Cercopithecus aethiops
Common Name: Vervet Monkey 
Description: Silver-gray to olive-,yellow-, or reddish green; white/yellowish under parts; black face, ears, and extremities; pink eyelids;
Difference in Sex: Males are larger than females
Average Weight of Adult male: 4 to 8Kg
Habitat: The ververt monkey prefers woodlands of all kinds, but favours woodlands adjacent to grassland and rivers. 
Main feeding time:  The ververt monkey is considered a diurnal mammal. Usually active in the early morning and late afternoon, but activity peaks vary depending on factors such as: habitat, predation, abundance of food and water. 
Size: males: wt 5.5-9 kg, hbl 49 cm
         females: wt 4.1 kg, hbl 45 cm 
Gestation: There are generally mating peaks during the dry season and birth peaks after the rainy season of October to December. The gestation period is 165 days and most females begin breeding by the age of 4. 
Number of young at birth: 1 very seldom 2
Communication: Chattering and Stuttering sound, in emercency, a high-pitched scream.
Age: About 12 years
Diet: Ververts feed on all kinds of fruits, seeds, seedpods, leaves, buds, sap, flowers, herbs, and grasses. It will also eat things like lizards, birds eggs, and insects. 
Enemies: Eagles, leopard, serval, cheetah, lion, and snakes.
Interesting facts: